Recently I realized I wanted to be more aware and mindful of detaching. In pondering what might support me in this process, I came up with a few core ideas, reminders.
In case they’re helpful to you, here they are!
I am beginning to recognize that detaching sets me free to love fully, unconditionally and without reservation.
My energy is open, moving and available and at the same time, still, spacious and deeply loving.
I allow EVERYTHING to pass through.
Nothing can stick to me unless I stick to it.
I am right here, right now, loving fully without needing things to be a certain way.
So what about you? What do you notice about yourself and attachment, detachment? Post your experiences below . . .
Ken, I recently read, yet again, in A Course of Love, “Nothing is what it is, but only what it is TO ME.” Indeed.
Like Laura, I feel encouraged and inspired by your words. An element of detachment for me is remembering (like Werner said) that it’s all interpretation anyway so I might as well pick one I like (that feels good). When my attachments are “violated,” then I don’t like how I feel. Since I can’t change whatever happened, maybe I can change my interpretation in a way that I like how I feel. This may not resonate with others, but for me I sense a relationship with detachment and interpretation. Thanks for giving me an opening to examine this!
Dianne, thank you for mentioning the detached witness. I’ve not heard that before. It gives me a felt sense of being present to without being entangled with. An extremely useful distinction to me!
Laura, yes, please share with anyone whom you think it might serve. Thank you for mentioning the connection between detachment and love. It IS loving to detach. I’m reading in A Course of Love about being with “others” through unity rather tan “using” others. WOW. Still taking in how to access unity . . .
It seems possible to be both attached and detached at the same time. I recognize that I am very attached to the trappings of this life I’ve chosen for myself, and that it is a choice that I’ve made, which allows me to feel detached from it at another level. So if my circumstances were to change drastically tomorrow, I would be sad and probably disconcerted, but would recognize that it’s all part of how life plays out. This is the result of cultivating that thing called the detached witness, in which you practice holding yourself with loving regard and compassion as you make your way through life.
Thank you Ann. As always, I am encouraged and inspired by your words. This has been a week of learning and relearning this. I am going to share, if that is okay, with some friends I know as we journey together through some family situations. I realize detachment is the “loving” thing to do as I live each day trying to relinquish control of things that are out of my control. Blessings to you,
laura padgett