What Geeks Your Strengths and Makes a Contribution?

When you feel happy, fulfilled and energized, you can be sure that all of your top StrengthsFinder strengths are working well together! And, what energizes you might not interest a co-worker or would actually deplete her.

StrengthsFinder Mini Case Study

Let’s look at this in real life.

Julie’s StrengthsFinder top 5 strengths:

  1. Discipline
  2. Responsibility
  3. Connectedness
  4. Maximizer
  5. Context

One of the things Julie naturally does in her work as a Marketing and Communications professional involves creating a template for each new communication she develops. Then, for a particular project, she puts the actual material into the email, program outline or protocol template. Once she’s shared that as needed, she saves that email, program outline or protocol template.

When another project requires a similar email, program outline or protocol, she uses her original saved document, tweaks it as needed with the new information and sends it on its way.

Which of her strengths are geeked about this process?

If you answered “all of them,” you’d be right! It’s easy to see Maximizer, Discipline and Connectedness at work here. And Responsibility loves to respond quickly when a colleague or client needs something from her. Context loves using what worked in the past with only a few tweaks needed.

Let me know if you or someone you serve would like to be featured in the StrengthsFinder Strengths (Now CliftonStrengths) Mini Case Study.

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