Business Coaching: Pyramid Scam or Brilliant Business Developer?

As a business coach I have a coach.  And she has a coach.  And she has a coach.  And I have clients who are coaches.  Some of them also have clients who are coaches. 

We all invest in these services.

Hmmm . . . I’ve been told by some coaches that it sounds a bit like a pyramid scam.  Is it?

Or, do we hire coaches ourselves because we know something that others are only beginning to learn?  You can read more here and decide yourself.

Let’s take a look.  What is the power of the business coaching pyramid?

Partnership Collaboration
Where two or more are gathered in my name . . .  The gift of a powerful Mastermind alliance.

Energy Activation
The co-creative process at it’s best.  The gift of creating something from nothing.

Vision Holding
Even when I’m discouraged or feel I’m drowning in the details, my coach holds a vision of the best of me as I hold that vision for my clients.  The gift of keeping my focus on the positive.

Blind Spot Sighting
I see for my clients what they cannot see on their own.  My coach sees for me what I cannot see on my own.  The gift of greater vision to make greater choices.

Natural Accountability
I keep more of my commitments to myself when I share them with my coach.  The gift of consistently growing myself and my business.

Resource Availability
I use processes, forms and resources that my coach shares with me.  I make them my own, create more on my own and then share them with my clients.  The gift of not having to recreate the wheel.

I am often stunned by how my own thoughts – both conscious and un-earthed unconscious thoughts – prove erroneous and life-draining.  The gift of a facilitated process for choosing better thoughts that create my better reality.

Divinity Stewardship
I tend to over-identify with the human part of me and under-acknowledge my divinity.  My coach champions and reminds me of the best of me.  The gift of remembering to live and work more and more from my best self.

Fun, Juicy Connection
Working on our own and running our own businesses tends to feel a bit lonely and isolating.  The gift of the coaching relationship, which creates this wonderful intimate, fun, connected, sacred and playful arena in which to grow!

Coaching beyond the Pyramid
In addition to playing in this delightful coaching pyramid, I also have clients who are not coaches.  I absolutely love witnessing how coaching transforms them.

My client Emma recently said it best.  She told me, “It’s slowly sinking in that I have control over my destiny.”  The coaching pyramid has helped her realize that she can create (and is creating) her life and work the way she truly desires.  

She bakes the most delicious cupcakes on the planet.  We are so fortunate that coaching has given her a way to continue to dream up and put out more and more of these delicious morsels, making the world a far yummier and happier place!

Attracting Clients, Your Coaching Business, Best Cupcakes Denver, Spiritual Growth, Transformation, Best of You

For the best cupcakes in Denver, get to The Shoppe today! My favorite special this month: Wakka Flame. My all-time favorite: Salted Caramel. YUM!

Worth the trip, make Denver a destination vacation and I will treat you and your family to a box of her cupcake divinity . . .
Emma Skala, owner of The Shoppe, 3103 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80206.

Ah, back to the question at hand.  Business coaching: pyramid scam or brilliant business developer?

I have an opening for a new coaching client, beginning mid-July and another in August.  If you have a sense you’d like to play with me in this amazing coaching pyramid as you brilliantly develop your business, let’s have a conversation.

Today, access my calendar to book some time just for you . . .

2 thoughts on “Business Coaching: Pyramid Scam or Brilliant Business Developer?”

  1. Of course, a coach needs a coach. We cannot see ourselves.

    When we are charging people for our services, what better way to validate the value of what we do than to pay someone for a similar service?

    I applaud the power of the business coaching pyramid, and love the way it leads directly to cupcakes.


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