I recently raised my coaching fees. I had been preparing for a few months by getting VERY clear on what would make my coaching services worth the new fee. A steep learning curve, to say the least!
And, I am thrilled by what I have learned. It’s simple, profound and absolutely life-changing.I have a new commitment and confidence that our coaching WILL get my clients to the goals they set when I am willing to ask them the hardest questions. And when they are willing to move through the discomfort of answering the hard questions and then the fear that often accompanies the change as they take new actions based on their answers.
This isn’t always easy work for either of us. But it does bring the change they needed to achieve what they desire.
When someone is considering hiring me as their coach, we need to know before we start working together if I am the best person to ask the hard questions for them. We also need to know if they are actually willing to perceive themselves differently to answer the questions honestly and make the required changes. I’ve been amazed by how quickly it becomes clear if we will or won’t do the tough stuff well together.
These initial conversations fall into two distinct categories.
The people who are ready to receive huge value from coaching often tell me things like:
- I feel really confronted right now.
- This is right on and I had no idea this is where we’d go.
- This brings up stuff for me.
- I can see now I really need to change some things.
- I’m scared and I know it’s what I need to do.
The people whom I’m not going to be able to help right now say things like:
- I can’t make our meeting because I have to take care of a client.
- I am not willing to spend that kind of money.
- I had really hoped you’d give me a magic pill. (Yes, someone actually said this!)
- I’m going to wait until I get (fill in the blank) in order.
- My husband doesn’t want me to spend any more money on my business.
I love seeing this pattern. I KNOW the people who feel scared and willing will receive huge value from our coaching and will be thrilled with the outcome and investment. I also know that the people who aren’t yet taking full responsibility for themselves, their lives and their businesses, blame many external circumstances on them not being able to achieve what they most desire.
Ah, the joy of hard questions!
Feel free to post your thoughts and insights about asking and answering the hard questions in the Comments.