One of the most noticeable differences between coaches who grow successful businesses and those who don’t: Those who create thriving businesses know, own and leverage their strengths.
One of the most significant differences between people who get or create their dream jobs and those who don’t: Those who create amazing career fulfillment embrace and work from their strengths.
To that end, I have created a StrengthsFinder™ resources page for you.
If you have never heard of StrengthsFinder™, don’t wait a moment longer.
If you took the StrengthsFinder™ assessment years ago and said, “Oh yeah, that’s me” and put it in a drawer and forgot about it, I urge you to give yourself the lifetime gift of more fully owning your strengths now!
To your strong work,
P.S. If you’ve ever said, “Doesn’t everybody do that?” about one of your natural strengths, then drop everything now for a few minutes and dive more deeply in your own completely unique set of strengths.