The Happy Privilege of Being You

Never before.
Never again.

Brilliant shining now.

sacred opportunity.
Expressing the beloved
known as me.

to nurture the beloved
into the fullness of Divine Glory.

Bringing forth
the Brilliance of this beloved.

How could the Universe be any less uplifted by your presence than  by these beloved expressions of the One?
How could the Universe be any less uplifted by your presence than by these beloved expressions of the One?

The entire Universe
uplifted by this beloved’s presence.

Brilliant shining now.

Never before.
Never again.

Brilliant shining now.

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within: Simple perceptions and practices for returning to the joy of you”)

The Best Way to Take a Stand for Your Contributions

Last week, one of my colleagues told me that learning his top 5 StrengthsFinder strengths changed the trajectory of his life.

This after I had encouraged him to take the StrengthsFinder assessment when he had shared some frustrations about his job. Wow, he caught my attention, and I couldn’t wait to find out what he meant.

He told me that all of his life he had tried to bring new ideas and improvements to his jobs only to be told over and over again, “That’s not what we hired you for. Just do your job.”

His strengths indicate that his genius lies in sifting through many big ideas, projecting them into the future, choosing the ones that will make a huge impact and bringing those to fruition. We are talking about ideas on par with iPhone, Facebook or Uber. When his StrengthsFinder report echoed what he already knew about himself, he transformed in that moment.

“I have to start my own company. I am not going to let anyone hold me back anymore. I know I can make this happen.” In an instant, he went from feeling depressed and frustrated about being under-utilized to taking a stand for the huge contribution he is here to bring into reality.

It brought tears to my eyes. How would our experience of life shift if we each took a stand for ourselves and our unique strengths and contributions?!?

I’m on a mission.

Shidoni Sculpture Gardens in Teseque, NM

One of my greatest contributions based on my StrengthsFinder Strengths: seeing and calling forth your brilliance and your contributions. I spotted and captured this incredible contribution at the Shidoni Sculpture Gardens. Tesuque, NM.

If you already know your strengths and contributions, would you be willing to share them here to inspire others?

If you don’t yet know your top 5 StrengthsFinder strengths, would you be willing to love yourself and the world enough to invest $10 and 40 minutes to learn them so you can more confidently make the contributions that are only yours to make?!?

If so, click here to take the Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment.

Here’s to more awesome contributions to the planet!

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within: Simple perceptions and practices for returning to the joy of you”)

Post your strengths and contributions below . . .

The Dark Side of Know, Like and Trust

I have been selling all my life.

5-year-old me gathered seeds from my mother’s four o’clock flowers and sold them to the neighbors. During grade school, I sold Current greeting cards to my teachers after school.

As soon as I was old enough, I sold chicken at KFC. In my senior year of high school, I made a bold career move and went to work at Country Kitchen for tiny pay and tips. I doubled my income.

As an adult with adult bills to pay, I decided to get some sales training to maximize my income. I learned that people buy from those they know, like and trust. This was good news to me because it was easy for me to get people to know, like and trust me.

An innocent misunderstanding that guided my career for the next few decades.

I see now that there is a world of difference between people naturally knowing, liking and trusting me and me getting people to know, like and trust me. I was grasping for something that was already mine if only I had relaxed into the knowing that I am enough.

Ah, the joy of being One with an environment that knows no grasping . . .

Ah, the joy of being One with an environment that knows no grasping . . .

My job isn’t about getting anybody to do anything. My true work: being me. Then, a person likes me or doesn’t like me. They are drawn to know me or they aren’t. If they do know and like me, chances are good they will trust me.

When I first realized this, it terrified me. I was going to leave it up to chance? If I didn’t work at getting people to like me, then what if they didn’t? People buy only from those they know, like and trust. What if not enough people liked me?

The irony: people are far more likely to know, like and trust me when I am genuinely me. Whether or not they are conscious of it, people can feel that grasping energy of “I need you to know, like and trust me so that you will buy from me.”

Today, I don’t know if enough people will like me. Which is okay because that isn’t my part. I am doing my part by focusing on knowing, liking and trusting myself and that is way more than enough!

So now, my sales job description has shifted a bit. Without self-consciousness and grasping, I have more capacity to focus on the person in front of me. What’s going on in their world? What do they need? Might I be able to offer them something of value?

That feels good! I didn’t realize how creepy it felt to be selling me. I’m not for sale.

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within: Simple perceptions and practices for returning to the joy of you”)

I would love your thoughts and responses. Post comments and insights below . . .

“Anybody Can Do That.” Or Can They?

When we are most ourselves – radiant and alive – our beingness and what we do comes naturally to us, without self-consciousness or judgment. Often effortlessly. We mistakenly imagine that if it is effortless for us, then it must be effortless for everyone. We also often take that one step further: if it’s effortless, it must be of little value.

Could anybody do this?!?  I don't think so!   As seen in Lamy, NM.  Artist: Jenny Lind of Rainbow Gate in Santa Fe, NM.
Could anybody do this?!? I don’t think so!
As seen in Lamy, NM. Artist: Jenny Lind
of Rainbow Gate in Santa Fe, NM.

Truth: It takes no effort to be you. If you’re struggling, gently look to where you aren’t allowing you.
Truth: It would take great effort and net poor results for others to try to be you.

What might it take for you to release self-judgment and self-consciousness that tends to dim your radiance?

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within: Simple perceptions and practices for returning to the joy of you”)

I would love your thoughts and responses. Post comments and insights below . . .

Savoring the Uniqueness of What Sparks Joy

Recently I noticed I hadn’t been writing in my Gratitude Journal much. For years, I wrote faithfully every evening 5 or more things for which I felt grateful. I am appreciative by nature, and I wasn’t sure what to make of this.

I decided to let it be without trying to figure it out. Shortly after that, I got excited about writing a few things every evening that had sparked joy for me during the day.

For some reason the distinction of writing a Sparking Joy Journal rather than a Gratitude Journal tickled me. Throughout the day, I love being on the lookout for joy sparkers. I love being surprised.

This from a woman who never used the word joy or liked surprises a few months ago. Go figure. I feel like my life is a treasure hunt. Without any angst about the hunt. There are so many things – big and small – that spark joy for me each day.

A few from today:

  • Hearing the connections my client and her staff were making as they explored their StrengthsFinder strengths together as a team, as a family.
  • The feel of laying on the ground, noticing the Earth holding me.
  • Being interviewed about Strong from Within.
  • Jasmine, my cat, crawling up my chest and putting her paws together in prayer pose right on my heart.
  • The road graders coming to fix the rain damage on our road.


And, these beautiful wild four o’clocks. Such joy.

Earlier in the summer, I had bought annuals for my big pots on the patio. Between the periodic hail and intense sun, many of the plants are long gone and the ones hanging on don’t look too good.

Today, I noticed the beauty of the four o’clock plants that just sprung up and require nothing of me. I learned they are the wild, high desert version of the four o’clocks I loved as a kid growing up in Denver. They are all around me here. And I just noticed them!

What about you? What have you noticed recently that sparks joy for you? How might you bring more awareness to noticing your joy sparkers?

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within: Simple perceptions and practices for returning to the joy of you“)

I would love your thoughts and responses. Post comments and insights below . . .

Listening through Your Body

One of the core components of living Strong from Within involves developing and nurturing an intimate relationship with our body.

Until October of 2008, I didn’t know my body or listen to my body. I had no idea my body had wisdom to share.

Today, I know that my body always knows. My body doesn’t lie. And, it isn’t just body stuff that my body knows. She serves as a reliable guidance system for everything in my life, if I tune into her.

Oh, the joy when we tune in and listen to our body and through our body . . .
Oh, the joy when we tune in and listen to our body and through our body . . .

Since October of 2008, I have learned to listen to my body, primarily through my practice of kundalini yoga. I am forever grateful for this practice that awakened me to the body of me.

Recently, I have also been practicing Qoya, a movement system based on the idea that through movement we remember our essence as women is wise, wild and free.

One of my favorite reasons for practicing Qoya is that the creator, Rochelle Schieck, says over and over again, “The way you know you’re doing it right is if it feels good.” What a life-affirming reminder.

Experiencing is so much more powerful than reading about . . .

Give yourself the gift of 14 minutes to experience Qoya with Rochelle.

I notice I hear my body speak in several ways. I feel if something feels good. Or it doesn’t. I often receive insights and inspiration after finishing Qoya. Also, the qualities I play with during Qoya – open-heartedness, softening, slowing down, receiving, sinking in and many more – are showing up in my life, too.

There are as many ways to access our body wisdom as there are bodies on the planet. How have you been listening through your body? Might you be interested in listening more deeply or more consistently? Is a new way calling you?

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within.”)

I would love your thoughts and responses. Post comments and insights below . . .

Relaxing into Ourselves . . .

Back in 1997 when I first became a coach, I loved the idea of helping people “make themselves better.”

Today, I see it a bit differently. We each already are so amazing. We don’t need to make ourselves better.

Can you imagine her thinking she were anything less than radiantly beautiful?
Can you imagine her thinking she were anything less than radiantly beautiful?

What I love now: creating the space that allows my clients to recognize and accept their own love and brilliance. I am so tickled when they experience spontaneous episodes of their own Divinity.

I know my work is good when they are kind to themselves. I know my work is good when I am kind to myself. I know we are making great progress when we talk more about relaxing and savoring than about striving and fixing.

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within.”)

I would love your thoughts and responses. Post comments and insights below . . .

Guaranteed Gratitude

I have written about gratitude for the past 15 years at Thanksgiving. Many years, I have written about it at other times as well. I love it – appreciation is one of the strongest perspective changers that we have freely available to us. Today as I sat down to write, I wondered what would be my fresh perspective this year.


What aspects of your life consistently bring you joy? Every time? No matter what? Even if you’re annoyed at the same time?

That you might overlook feeling appreciative because they are ever-present? Like breathing?

Yes, deep breathing is one for me. No matter how upset I get, my breath can calm me down. When I remember to slow down and deepen my breathing, I reconnect to me, to the Universe, to whatever is in front of me.

Jasmine, my magical black kitty with deep green eyes and seven toes on both front paws and six on the back ones. She has the strongest will and loves to talk more than any cat I’ve ever known. She is pure love and freedom in action. Regardless of how much she’s ripping up the room, I can’t help but be grateful for her.

The moon, oh the moon. She’s just a sliver today and I am so grateful to have her visible once again. She shines as a reliable, beautiful companion.

Kundalini yoga. Even when the postures seem impossible and I am muttering under my breath, I feel immense gratitude for having this practice that loves my body, mind, heart and spirit!

My ability to walk. To get to be out in nature every day makes me very happy. I’m even learning how to appreciate wind. I am so grateful for the Earth and all of the elements and my relationships with them.

One of the many wonderful places I now get to walk and delight in so many elements of nature: a sunset from my "Big Backyard," the Galisteo Basin Preserve

One of the many wonderful places I now get to walk and delight
in so many elements of nature: a sunset from my “Big Backyard,”
the Galisteo Basin Preserve

My consistent courage to change and grow and experience. I am so grateful to be me!

My niece, Alisha. Allow me to be a proud aunt for a moment. She just learned Friday that she passed the California Bar. Yes, on her first time of taking it. All that led up to this huge accomplishment has made her grumpy. Often. Over many months. And it didn’t even matter to me. I love and adore her and appreciate every minute I spend with her, even via text. I am so grateful that I get to have such an extraordinary young woman in my life.

So, what about you? What are your Guaranteeds?

Post your comments, insights and progress below.


My book, “Thriving Work” is now available
on Kindle at Amazon for just $3.99:
Click here to order

Mindfulness: New Mexico edition of “Why Am I So Happy?”

I’ve been living in New Mexico for almost 3 weeks now. The entire transition went beautifully. Everything from lots of packing help – when does that happen – to just the right amount of boxes to receiving my full deposit back from my apartment within a week when they told me it would take up to 8 weeks.

My casita is more beautiful and light-filled than I had even imagined. The drive into Santa Fe is short, gorgeous and peaceful. I have a wonderful new yoga studio and am trying lots of great coffee shops to find my favorite. I’m unpacked and found everything.

One of the amazing sunsets I get to see every day!

One of the amazing sunsets I get to see every day!


Why am I so happy?

  • I took a risk.
  • I’m creating more of the life I desire – a retreat life.
  • The quiet, oh, the quiet.
  • I live in the most gorgeous light.
  • I do some of my work outside on my patio.
  • I am planted in 360 degree beauty.
  • Every day is a new sunset.
  • The moon and the stars keep me company every night.
  • I now get to host clients for retreat in this beautiful, spacious, contemplative place.
  • My strength of Connectedness is soooo happy to be this connected to nature.
  • My strength of Empathy is thrilled to be surrounded by less people.
  • My Maximizer is overjoyed to be in the perfect place and perfect home for me (and she does not use the word “perfect” often).
  • My Individualization is tickled to be surrounded by people marching to the beat of their own drummer.

What is on the horizon for you? I had wanted to make this move for several years and always had reasons I couldn’t. How can I inspire you to take the next big step for you?

Post your comments, insights and progress below.


My book, “Thriving Work” is now available
on Kindle at Amazon for just $3.99:
Click here to order

Creator/Owner Mindset: Naming the Glory of You

A few years ago, my coach at the time, Jeff Patterson, created an important distinction for himself to support him in expressing himself and his fullest contribution.  He gave names to himself at the far ends of the spectrum of low expression and contribution and high expression and contribution. 

Needy Man and Miracle Man.

He knew exactly what each meant to him and he kept his focus on living his days as Miracle Man and having compassion for himself when he showed up as Needy Man. 

Jeff was an amazing role model for me.  Being coached by Miracle Man called forth more from me than I knew was within me.  Learning how Jeff worked with Needy Man taught me to love myself more, no matter what.  And yet, in all the time I worked with him, I couldn’t come up with my two distinct names for me.  I knew that my equivalent of Needy Man was Scramblin’ Ann but my Miracle Man equivalent eluded me.

The more I tried to find my glorious name, the more I could feel my mind “searching my brain’s hard drive” rather than receiving it from my heart.  So I let it go and wrote my first book with Jeff’s coaching support.

I coached several clients to name theirs.  I told them about Jeff’s success and disclosed that I had only half my equation, yet I could feel the power of having both names. 

Melancholy Monica and Magnificent Monica. 
(Names of clients have been changed for their privacy.)
Scardy Cat and Lover Girl.
Contracted Shelly and Expansive Shelly.
Barely Betsy and Goddess Elizabeth.
Slave and Queen . . .


Ah, the feeling of experiencing myself
as Radiant Grace . . .

And just a few days ago, out of the blue, I received a gift from my heart: Radiant Grace.  How amazing is that – the name Ann means grace.

Scramblin’ Ann and Radiant Grace.  Oh my goodness, can I feel the difference in my body, my energy and my heart!!!

What about you?  What distinctions bubble up for you?!?

Post your comments, insights and progress below.

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On the Way to Experiencing the Divine . . .

If you are feeling disoriented or lost and sense you are being called to a deeper relationship with the Divine, let’s have a conversation to explore if the one-on-one Align with Source coaching program would be a good fit for you.

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